Just like any sport or recreational activity your equipment and gear is an important part of scuba diving. You will want to find the right equipment that makes you comfortable in and out of the water.
Not only will you purchase scuba equipment for your future recreational adventures but you will want to maintain it. While this will ensure that your equipment lasts a long while the primary reason for service is to ensure that your gear operates properly for your safety.
Dolphin Dive Center is ready to ensure that the equipment you choose to use is comfortable, safe, and reliable for your lifetime of scuba diving. Which is why our dive shop includes both equipment sales and service for your convenience.
Dolphin Dive Center’s knowledgeable and friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding the common “all around” scuba equipment or about the specific brands we carry.
Common Scuba Equipment

These are the “all around” pieces of equipment any scuba diver will need.
- Mask
- Snorkel
- Fins
- Buoyancy Compensator Device
- Regulator Set
- Dive Computer
We carry a number of brands, colors, and sizes to get you properly equipped for your recreational adventures.
Our staff can also place a special order for you should we not have a particular item in your size or available color.
Our dive shop offers a complete line of scuba and snorkeling equipment and accessories.

Not only can we get you setup with your own personal gear we can service your current scuba equipment and ensure that your gear is safe and in spec for proper operation. While we are an authorized Aqualung retail and service location we do offer service on most other major brands as well.
Dolphin Dive Center does not Service Equipment over 30 years old.
DDC Purchased Equipment . . . $105
Non-DDC Purchased Equipment . . . $120
Hoses . . . $60
Battery Change . . . $15~20
Buoyancy Compensator Service . . . $15
Breathable Inflator . . . $35
It is recommended to have your scuba equipment inspected and/or serviced annually!